How GLP-1 Medications Can Help You Lose Weight and Improve Your WellnessMar 06, 2025It’s not often that a treatment can truly be called game-changing, but we believe the new GLP-1 weight loss drugs earn the title. Here’s a look at how these medications can help you shed pounds and boost your health.Continue reading →
Varicose Veins vs. Spider Veins: What's the Difference?Mar 01, 2025The most common vein issues in your lower legs are varicose and spider veins, which are two very separate issues. Here, we get into a few of the key differences between spider veins and varicose veins. Continue reading →
What Can I Expect During My Varicose Vein Treatment?Mar 01, 2025Summer is around the corner, and you want to be ready with legs that are free of varicose veins. The good news is that our vein treatments are quick and easy, and we get into a little more detail here. Continue reading →
Telehealth: The Advantages of TelemedicineFeb 19, 2025Struggles to get to the clinic? Trying to reduce your exposure to COVID-19, as well as other contagious illnesses, and still need to see your doctor? Telehealth is safe and easy — receive quality care from anywhere.Continue reading →
How Do Varicose Veins Form?Feb 01, 2025We spend a good deal of time talking about removing varicose veins, so we wanted to step back and look at the science behind these pesky blood vessels. Here’s how varicose veins come to life.Continue reading →
What Are the Biggest Risk Factors for Varicose Veins?Feb 01, 2025The odds are very good that the 40 million Americans who have varicose veins have one or more of the risk factors associated with this condition. Here, we get into some of the risk factors. Continue reading →
5 Strategies to Lower Your Blood PressureFeb 01, 2025We’ve established that having high blood pressure isn’t healthy, so let’s focus on ways to lower your numbers. Here, we review some key steps you can take to get your blood pressure within a healthier range.Continue reading →
Why We're Concerned About High Blood PressureJan 16, 2025Have you ever wondered why measuring your blood pressure is the first order of business at most medical offices? There are many good reasons why we’re concerned about high blood pressure, and we dive into them here.Continue reading →
Here's How Pregnancy Affects Your Vein HealthJan 01, 2025Your body undergoes some dramatic changes during a pregnancy, and some involve your vascular health. Here, we explore how pregnancy can lead to varicose veins and how we can help.Continue reading →
Compression Socks: Can They Help My Leg Veins? Jan 01, 2025You’ve heard that compression socks can provide you with some great benefits when it comes to the circulation in your legs, and you want to know more. We’ve got you covered in this blog post. Continue reading →
Give Yourself the Gift of Varicose Vein-free Legs This YearDec 08, 2024As you run around making sure everyone in your circle gets the right gifts this holiday season, why not treat yourself to something you’ve long wanted — legs that are free from varicose veins?Continue reading →
Are Your Heart Palpitations Cause for Concern?Dec 02, 2024All of us experience heart palpitations from time to time — those sensations in your chest that make you aware of your heartbeat. There are times when these palpitations might signal a serious health issue.Continue reading →
Can Exercise Get Rid of or Prevent Varicose Veins?Dec 02, 2024Did you know that, with every step you take, you’re activating your “second heart,” which helps to move blood out of your legs and back up to your heart? So, does this mean you can exercise away varicose veins?Continue reading →
Tips for Flying When You Have Varicose VeinsNov 05, 2024Aside from being a cosmetic nuisance, varicose veins often indicate a circulatory issue that can flare when you fly. So, if you have varicose veins, it’s a sign that you should take a few extra steps on long hauls.Continue reading →
The 5 Keys to Optimal Cardiometabolic HealthNov 02, 2024There are systems in your body that need to work together for optimal health — such as the interplay between your cardiovascular system and your hormones. Together, they make up your cardiometabolic health.Continue reading →
Common Symptoms Accompanying Varicose Veins That You Shouldn't IgnoreNov 02, 2024If the appearance of bulging, ropey blood vessels on your legs wasn't enough to grab your attention, perhaps some of the symptoms of varicose veins will. Here, we review a few of these hard-to-ignore side effects.Continue reading →
Why Does My Bulging Leg Vein Hurt?Oct 18, 2024You have a leg vein that’s not only bulging in an unsightly way, it’s also a source of discomfort, if not downright pain. Painful varicose veins are not uncommon, and we get into why this complication can develop.Continue reading →
Why Are Varicose Veins More Common After 40?Oct 10, 2024With each decade, the aging process becomes a little more evident, especially when you hit your 40s and beyond. While there are many risk factors for varicose veins, age is certainly a big one, and we explore the connection here.Continue reading →
What We Want You to Know About Respiratory Viruses and Your Cardiovascular HealthOct 10, 2024Flu, COVID-19, RSV — we’re entering the time of year when these respiratory infections surge and make their rounds. Here, we review the wide impact these infections can have, namely on your heart health.Continue reading →
3 Signs That You Should Have Us Evaluate Your Varicose VeinsSep 18, 2024When veins start bulging through the surface of your skin, you wonder whether there’s cause for worry. In many cases, varicose veins are more cosmetically concerning, but they can also point to more serious health issues.Continue reading →
That Intermittent Discomfort in Your Legs Could Be ClaudicationSep 11, 2024When you take to your feet and walk around, you start to feel an ache or heaviness in your legs after a while. This could be a sign of claudication, which means that arteries in your legs are narrowing.Continue reading →
We Have Solutions for Your Tough Varicose VeinsSep 10, 2024There’s a harsh reality when it comes to varicose veins — once they take up residence on your legs, they’re not going anywhere. Unless you come see us for a quick-and-easy vein treatment, that is.Continue reading →
Why Do I Have Varicose Veins?Aug 19, 2024It seemed to pop up out of nowhere, but you now have a varicose vein (or two) on your legs, and you’re wondering where they came from. Here, we take a look at a few of the more common causes of these pesky veins.Continue reading →
4 Tips to Improve Your Cholesterol Numbers TodayAug 19, 2024Did you know that 90% of heart disease is preventable, and one of the best steps in that direction is to control your cholesterol levels? Here are 4 best practices you can implement today.Continue reading →
When Should You Start Seeing a Cardiologist?Aug 06, 2024Considering nearly half of adults in the United States have cardiovascular disease, it’s a good idea for everyone to have a cardiologist on their healthcare team. This is even more important for those at higher risk for heart disease. Continue reading →
What to Expect During Your Stress TestJul 09, 2024We want to gather some more information about your cardiovascular function, so we’ve ordered a stress test for you. It would be a good idea to read this brief review on what to expect and how to prepare first. Continue reading →
5 Things We Want You to Know About Atrial FibrillationJul 04, 2024In an ideal world, your heart beats steadily along, circulating your blood and delivering oxygen. When you have an arrhythmia like atrial fibrillation, this rhythm is off, which can lead to serious complications.Continue reading →
6 Complications of Having Poor Circulation in Your LegsJun 19, 2024Varicose veins, puffy ankles, achy legs — these are all signs that point toward a circulatory issue in your legs. This lack of good blood flow can extend beyond minor issues and include heart disease.Continue reading →
Do Spider Veins Fade Away Over Time?Jun 05, 2024You have a most unwelcome web of spider veins on one or both of your legs, and you’re hoping that time will take care of them. Well, you may be waiting for a very long time as spider veins can be stubborn.Continue reading →
Heart Palpitations During Workouts: Should I Worry?May 15, 2024A good heart-pounding workout is billed as a great way to get fit and healthy, but is there more going on with your exercise-related heart palpitations? Here are a few points to keep in mind.Continue reading →
Lower Your Blood Pressure With These 5 PracticesMay 01, 2024It’s not often that we get a chance to change the course of our health, but we certainly can with high blood pressure. Here are five strategies that put you on a much healthier path. Continue reading →
Are You at Risk for Peripheral Artery Disease?Apr 08, 2024Did you know that about 80% of cardiovascular disease is preventable? And one of the best prevention tactics is to address your risks. Here, we look at risk factors for peripheral artery disease.Continue reading →
Will My Varicose Veins Go Away After a While?Apr 01, 2024Your once-smooth legs now feature a bulging, ropey vein or two, and you're hoping that this unwelcome arrival will fade away. Unfortunately, once varicose veins form, they’re mostly there to stay unless you get treatment.Continue reading →
Are Women More at Risk of Heart Disease Than Men?Mar 11, 2024Does gender matter when it comes to the leading cause of death in the United States — heart disease? In some ways, yes. The gender difference is a complex one, and we review a few key points here.Continue reading →
Are You at Risk for Coronary Artery Disease?Mar 11, 2024The most common form of heart disease in the United States is coronary artery disease, which affects 1 in 20 adults. Do you know whether you’re at risk for this common heart condition? Continue reading →
A Step-by-Step Guide to an Executive Heart Health VisitFeb 01, 2024You have a fair amount of people who rely on you, outside of your family, so staying in good health is important. Explore how executive heart health care can help you stay one step ahead of heart disease.Continue reading →
Where Did Those Varicose Veins Come From?Feb 01, 2024You look down at your legs and frown — they used to be smooth, but now there’s a lumpy vein or two that’s wiggling across the surface. If you want to know where they came from and what to do next, read on.Continue reading →
Why Your Blood Pressure MattersJan 05, 2024You’re always hearing about how having high blood pressure is bad, but do you truly understand why we’re so concerned? Here, we get into the effects that hypertension can have on your health.Continue reading →
5 Easy Nutritional Changes You Can Make to Improve Your Heart HealthJan 04, 2024Making changes to improve your heart health is the epitome of the expression, “Easier said than done.” Instead of telling you to eat better, we’re going to give you 5 easy dietary practices you can start today. Continue reading →
Step Into the New Year Free from Varicose VeinsDec 02, 2023Entering a new year is a great time to make some changes. If you’ve been keeping your legs under wraps because of varicose veins, why not make this the year you put them front and center again? We can help.Continue reading →
Does Pregnancy Cause Spider Veins?Dec 02, 2023The effects that pregnancy can have on a woman’s body, both in the short- and long-term, are considerable. Included in this are spider veins, which leave lasting reminders on your legs about your pregnancy journey.Continue reading →
Asclera® — A Powerful Weapon Against Varicose and Spider VeinsNov 03, 2023Your once-smooth legs now host a colorful display of veins, and you’d like to turn back the clock. Well, your wish is just a few injections away thanks to Asclera®, which we offer at our Vein Institute.Continue reading →
I Exercise Regularly. Why Do I Still Have Hypertension?Nov 02, 2023You pride yourself on a great exercise regimen, yet your blood pressure numbers aren't reflecting these literal steps toward better cardiovascular health — and you want to know why. Continue reading →
4 Heart Attack Symptoms in WomenOct 05, 2023Heart disease is an equal opportunity offender, and heart attacks occur in both men and women at fairly similar — and alarming — rates. What isn’t as similar are the symptoms between the genders.Continue reading →
Better Understanding Heart PalpitationsOct 04, 2023Heart palpitations can be a frightening side effect of a heart attack or a perfectly benign result of drinking too much caffeine. Here’s a look at what we want you to know about heart palpitations.Continue reading →
Is Chest Pain Always Serious?Sep 01, 2023From heart attacks to a little indigestion, many different conditions lead to chest pain. If you want to get a better handle on chest pain, and when to take action, read on.Continue reading →
Are Varicose Veins a Health Concern?Sep 01, 2023Like millions of others, varicose veins have taken up residence on your legs and you’re wondering if you should be concerned about their unwelcome appearance. The answer is a short maybe, with a longer explanation. Continue reading →
Pregnant? Here's How It Can Impact Your Heart HealthAug 01, 2023When you’re pregnant, your body is taking on considerable extra work, including your cardiovascular system. Here’s a look at some of the heart-related changes in your body and how you can stay healthy.Continue reading →
Eat This Instead of That: Heart Health EditionAug 01, 2023There’s a lot of truth to the statement that, “You are what you eat.” Unfortunately, far too many of us aren’t eating the right things to support our heart health. Here’s a look at a few ways to eat your way to better health. Continue reading →
Are You at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease?Jul 14, 2023Cardiovascular disease is the primary cause of death in the United States. It’s also preventable in a majority of cases. Addressing your risks for cardiovascular disease is not only smart, it could save your life. Continue reading →
How Sex Impacts Your HeartJul 01, 2023Few things can get your heart rate up like sexual activity, and you’re concerned that the excitement may be a little too much. The reality of how sex can influence your heart health may surprise you.Continue reading →
5 Signs of Peripheral Vascular DiseaseJun 01, 2023Did you know that nearly half of Americans have cardiovascular disease? Here, we explore one of the more common issues that involves the vascular side of the equation — peripheral vascular disease.Continue reading →
You Had a Stroke. Now What?Jun 01, 2023Every 40 seconds in the United States, someone has a stroke. If this startling statistic includes you, here’s what we want you to know about life after a stroke, starting with the fact that there’s plenty of life after this event.Continue reading →
Ask These Questions at Your Next Cardiology AppointmentMay 01, 2023We want to make sure you get the most out of every visit with us here at Upper East Side Cardiology. While we make every attempt to be thorough, here are some questions you might want to ask us.Continue reading →
Heart Issues Younger Adults Should Know AboutMay 01, 2023Heart disease, heart attack, stroke — surely these are things you don’t need to worry about for years to come. Whether you’re in your 30s or your 60s, heart health is one area to which you should always pay close attention.Continue reading →
Does Being Overweight Increase My Risk for Varicose Vein Disease?Apr 01, 2023Being overweight can lead to a wide range of health complications, and we’re adding varicose veins to the long list. Here’s a look at how carrying extra pounds can increase your risk for developing varicose veins.Continue reading →
Are Varicose Veins Related to Heart Disease?Apr 01, 2023Varicose veins and heart disease share one thing in common — they both fall under cardiovascular issues — but that’s where their similarities end. Here’s a look at why varicose veins aren’t a sign of heart disease.Continue reading →
Why Is Excessive Sitting a Risk Factor for Many Americans?Mar 02, 2023Evolutionarily speaking, humans were designed to move — whether hunting or gathering. So, how are our bodies faring with our modern, far-more-sedentary, lives? “Not well,” is the short answer. Continue reading →
What Is the Link Between Menopause and Spider Veins?Mar 02, 2023Did you know that half of women develop spider veins? And the risks for these veins tend to increase as women grow older and pass through menopause. Here’s a look at the direct, and indirect, connection. Continue reading →
Can Varicose Veins Cause Joint Pain?Feb 01, 2023You’ve developed varicose veins in your lower legs, and the joints in the area are feeling a little achy. Is the joint discomfort somehow related to the presence of the varicose veins? Let’s take a look. Continue reading →
Is There a Connection Between Varicose Veins and Cardiovascular Disease?Feb 01, 2023You’re none too pleased with those ropey, bulging veins on your lower legs from a cosmetic perspective, but you're worried whether varicose veins signal a larger cardiovascular issue. Let’s take a closer look. Continue reading →
Why Does Prolonged Sitting Increase Risk for Varicose Veins?Jan 06, 2023It’s said that “sitting is the new smoking” when it comes to negatively impacting your health, and there are some good arguments that support this. Among them is the fact that prolonged sitting places you more at risk for varicose veins. Continue reading →
Could Vein Treatment Be the Solution for My Restless Legs?Jan 05, 2023Getting good sleep has been challenging because of restless legs that are keeping you up at night. There’s a good chance that the problem may be vascular-related, in which case vein treatments are the best solution.Continue reading →
Tips for Men Suffering From Varicose VeinsDec 08, 2022While varicose veins may develop more often in women, it doesn’t mean that men are immune from this issue. Far from it. Millions of men in the United States have varicose veins, and here’s what they should know. Continue reading →
Six Hidden Symptoms of Vein DiseaseDec 01, 2022Problems in your legs with no apparent cause can often be traced back to issues with your vascular health. Here, we take a look at six symptoms that develop in your legs and how they may be related to your cardiovascular health.Continue reading →
How to Care for Restless LegsNov 01, 2022You fall into bed exhausted, and you’re looking forward to getting some much-needed rest. However, your legs have other plans, as uncomfortable sensations prompt you to move them around, preventing you from sleeping. Continue reading →
Can Varicose Veins Affect My Sleep?Nov 01, 2022While most varicose veins aren’t serious, some can become problematic and (*spoiler alert*) can affect how you sleep. Here, we look at how you can get a good night’s rest if varicose veins interfere with your sleep. Continue reading →
What Goes Into Executive Cardiac Health Care?Oct 01, 2022The stress and time constraints of being an executive can be considerable, which is why you don’t want to skip a beat in your cardiovascular care. Through executive cardiac health care, we have you covered.Continue reading →
Common Causes of Ankle SwellingOct 01, 2022You’re noticing that your ankles are less defined and more puffy, and you’re wondering what might be behind the swelling. Well, there are many potential culprits, and we review some of the cardiovascular-related ones here.Continue reading →
Why It's Important to Recognize the Symptoms of a Heart AttackSep 15, 2022The classic portrayal of someone having a heart attack — clutching their chest — is part of the picture, but not the complete picture. When it comes to heart attacks, recognizing the signs may save a life. Continue reading →
The Top 5 Heart Disease Risk FactorsSep 02, 2022 Each year in the United States, at least 200,000 deaths from heart disease or stroke could have been prevented. The first step toward prevention is understanding your risk factors, and we review the most worrisome ones here. Continue reading →
Why Women Are More Likely to Develop Varicose VeinsAug 01, 2022Approximately one-third of adults in the United States develop varicose or spider veins, but women outpace men by two to one. Why do varicose veins favor women over men? We explore the answers here.Continue reading →
Common Questions About Varicose Vein TreatmentsAug 01, 2022Your legs have developed unwelcome varicose veins, and you want to get rid of them, but you have some questions about the treatments. We shed some light on the treatments and what you can expect. Continue reading →
Eight Risk Factors for Venous Insufficiency Jul 01, 2022You may not have heard of venous insufficiency, but it’s the primary driver of varicose and spider veins in your legs. Here’s a look at eight factors that place you more at risk for developing venous insufficiency.Continue reading →
How Does Summer Heat Affect Varicose Veins?Jul 01, 2022This summer is seeing record high temperatures across the country, including on the East Coast. This type of heat can affect your physical health, including exacerbating existing varicose veins.Continue reading →
How Compression Helps Your Varicose VeinsJun 01, 2022Whether you’ve already developed varicose veins or you want to prevent them from forming in the first place, we need to talk about compression. Here’s a look at how compression can help with your varicose veins. Continue reading →
How Long Does It Take for Varithena® to Work?Jun 01, 2022You have varicose veins that you want to get rid of, and you’re researching your options. To help, we’re taking a closer look at Varithena® — how it works and how long before you can debut your smooth legs.Continue reading →
Am I a Good Candidate for VeinGogh?May 18, 2022Your once-smooth legs look more like a roadmap thanks to tiny, wandering veins that have come to the surface. They’re called spider veins, and the good news is that there’s a quick and easy solution for clearing them away. Continue reading →
Men and Varicose VeinsMay 03, 2022Men can get varicose veins too and it’s totally normal! While mostly associated with women, this vein condition is actually very common in men, particularly as they get older. Venous insufficiency is a men’s health issue that can and should be treated.Continue reading →
Vein Treatment OptionsMay 03, 2022Treatment options for varicose veins vary greatly, from daily life changes to complete vein removal. Do not try to self-diagnose your veins, as a misdiagnosis can lead to more confusion and unsafe practices. Continue reading →
Varicose Veins and PregnancyMay 03, 2022While pregnancy brings about many beautiful changes, it also puts immense stressors on the body, often resulting in permanent changes. While women’s bodies are often able to heal after six months to a year after childbirth.Continue reading →
Tips for Strengthening Your Heart MuscleMay 01, 2022Your heart muscle is like the other muscles in your body—the stronger they are, the better they function. As you can imagine, this is especially important for your heart, which is why we bring you these strengthening techniques.Continue reading →
Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins With VenaSealApr 20, 2022Often unsightly and sometimes uncomfortable, varicose veins affect over 30 million adults in the United States. Find out how a simple in-office procedure called VenaSeal™ can help you get rid of unwanted varicose veins for good. Continue reading →
What Causes Inflamed Heart Muscle?Apr 01, 2022Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, isn’t terribly common, but COVID-19 brought the condition to the fore. Here’s a look at what causes the problem, its symptoms, and whether there’s cause for concern. Continue reading →
How to Exercise When You Have Varicose VeinsMar 02, 2022At best, varicose veins are unsightly, but at worst, they can make exercising very uncomfortable. Here’s a look at why you should exercise despite problematic veins — and how to go about it. Continue reading →
Seven Important Steps Women Can Take to Help Prevent Heart Disease Feb 02, 2022The hearts you see everywhere signal Valentine’s Day, but there’s another heart-related event in February — American Heart Month. Here’s a look at seven steps women can take to improve their heart health. Continue reading →
Can I Prevent Peripheral Vascular Disease?Jan 01, 2022The best way to safeguard your cardiovascular health is to take the steps necessary to prevent disease from developing. The good news is that with conditions like peripheral vascular disease, there are many prevention techniques. Continue reading →
How to Recognize Venous InsufficiencyDec 01, 2021Leg cramps, swelling, varicose veins — these are some of the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency. To help you identify this condition, here’s a look at some of the telltale signs that your veins may be struggling. Continue reading →
How Emotional Stress Affects Your Physical HealthNov 01, 2021The effects emotional stress can have on our mental well-being are almost without limits, but the physical toll that stress can exact is also worth understanding, especially when it comes to your heart health.Continue reading →
Understanding the Different Treatments for Your Varicose VeinsOct 01, 2021You’ve decided to treat your varicose veins, and you’re exploring your options. At our Vein Institute, we offer the most effective and innovative tools for eliminating varicose veins, and we review them here. Continue reading →
When Your Chest Pain Needs Medical AttentionSep 01, 2021Chest pain can be a very tricky symptom, as there are any number of causes — from a very serious heart-related problem to simple indigestion. Here’s a look at signs your chest pain warrants medical attention.Continue reading →
Treating Varicose Veins Isn't Vain, It's Good for Your HealthAug 01, 2021Your once-smooth legs now feature large, bulging veins. While you’re dismayed by the cosmetic effect, you also wonder if they're a health concern. Varicose veins aren’t immediately dangerous, but they should give you pause. Continue reading →
Five Factors That Increase Your Risk of Developing Spider VeinsJul 05, 2021Your once-smooth legs have developed webs of tiny, spindly veins, and you wonder where they came from. We explore your risk factors for these pesky spider veins as well as what we can do about them. Continue reading →
What You Should Know About Your Heart Health If You Have CancerJun 30, 2021Cancer is an insidious disease that affects your overall wellness, including your heart health. Here, we explore the connection and the steps you can take to safeguard all areas of your health. Continue reading →
How Hormonal Birth Control Impacts Your Heart HealthMay 18, 2021Hormonal birth control options can bring significant benefits and risks. Some of the risks involve your cardiovascular health, especially if you hold certain risk factors. Keep reading to learn more.Continue reading →
Risk Factors for Heart AttacksApr 05, 2021If you want to avoid a heart attack, understanding your risk factors can go far. From your lifestyle habits to your blood pressure levels, there are many aspects of your life that can determine the likelihood of this life-threatening event. Let's find out.Continue reading →
Heart failure at 35 helped New York cardiologist better care for patientsMar 30, 2021Dr. Satjit Bhusri and his wife, Ayesha. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Satjit Bhusri)Continue reading →
Are Palpitations Cause for Concern?Mar 04, 2021While having your heart skip a beat is a popular metaphor in music, it can be alarming in real life. Heart palpitations are usually harmless, but there are some situations that should prompt you to talk to your doctor.Continue reading →
Heart Failure at 35 Helped New York Cardiologist Better Care for His PatientsMar 01, 2021Since recovering from his near-death experience, Dr. Satjit Bhusri has embraced a healthier lifestyle and developed a deeper understanding for the needs of his patients. Continue reading →
Is Stress Making Your Hypertension Worse?Feb 01, 2021Can stress raise your blood pressure? Do relaxation techniques work? Find out how your emotional health plays a role in hypertension, and get answers to your stress-related questions.Continue reading →
Are Your Varicose Veins a Sign of Deeper Trouble?Jan 07, 2021Varicose veins can be bothersome to look at, but they can also cause bothersome medical symptoms and lead to complications if they’re left untreated. Seeking the care you need before your veins worsen can go a long way.Continue reading →
The Many Causes of Chest PainDec 14, 2020Chest pain is a common sign of attack, which means it can be terrifying when it strikes. However, many non-emergent conditions can cause chest pain. It’s best to be safe, so you should always see a doctor about chest pain.Continue reading →
NY Cardiologist Discusses Quarantine Habits Putting Heart Health at RiskDec 03, 2020The impact COVID-19 has had on people with underlying health issues cannot be understated. Continue reading →
Media Opportunity: Leading Cardiologist Discusses What the Best Diet is for Heart Health Nov 24, 2020Since the mid-1900s, Cardiovascular disease has become the leading cause of death for Americans.Continue reading →
Who Should Have a Stress Test and How Often?Nov 23, 2020A stress test is one of the frontline tools for diagnosing cardiovascular problems, allowing you to stay one step ahead of serious heart disease. Here’s a look at when you might benefit from a stress test.Continue reading →
What the Best Diet is for Heart Health Nov 18, 2020Cardiovascular disease has become the leading cause of death for Americans. This surge in poor heart health is associated with the popularity of cigarettes during this time and a change in the average American diet.Continue reading →
Why can emotional pain lead to physical pain centered in the heartNov 13, 2020Why can emotional pain lead to physical pain centered in the heart? How long can it take for stress induced chest pain to go away? Are there things you can do to speed along the symptoms? What are the symptoms of a heart attack? Continue reading →
Dr. Satjit Bhusri Discusses Pandemic Stress and it’s Impact on Heart HealthNov 10, 2020Top New York Cardiologist Dr. Satjit Bhusri Discusses Pandemic Stress and it’s Impact on Heart HealthContinue reading →
Heart Health in Your 20s and 30s Makes All the Difference Nov 02, 2020Heart Health in Your 20s and 30s Makes All the Difference Continue reading →
Napping and Heart DiseaseNov 02, 2020Does he have any theories about why long naps might be linked to greater risk of all-cause mortality and heart disease?Continue reading →
HypoglycemiaNov 02, 2020Is hypoglycemia without diabetes common in adults and children?Continue reading →
Home-Based Cardiac RehabNov 02, 2020We all know that there are several benefits to exercise, including heart benefits. My question is what exactly are the benefits of HIIT on the heart?Continue reading →