COVID And The Heart
Upper East Side Cardiology
Cardiovascular Disease & Vein Specialist located in Upper East Side, New York, NY
Most people are familiar with COVID-19 as a respiratory disease, but it can have long-term effects on heart health too. Satjit Bhusri, MD, was a frontline worker at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and has a dedicated cardiovascular protocol at Upper East Side Cardiology on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York City, New York. To find out more about COVID and the heart, call Upper East Side Cardiology or schedule your appointment online today.
COVID and The Heart Q & A
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a primarily respiratory illness that spreads easily through the population. It’s a viral infection that comes from the virus SARS-CoV-2.
While the majority of those infected experience mild to moderate respiratory symptoms like fever, cough, tiredness, and loss of taste or smell, some people experience much more worrying symptoms like trouble breathing and chest pain.
People who have tested positive for COVID-19 or have come into contact with someone who has the illness should self-quarantine for a certain time as advised by your physician or testing provider.
Still, the illness can have long-term complications that stick around after the infection goes away.
How does COVID-19 affect the heart?
Heart complications are one possible long-term effect of COVID-19. Long-term COVID-19 complications like heart problems are more likely to affect unvaccinated individuals than the fully vaccinated.
The disease can damage the muscles in the heart and affect their function, partially due to heart inflammation (myocarditis) from your immune system fighting the illness.
Additionally, a COVID-19 infection can cause inflammation on the inner surfaces of your blood vessels. It also damages smaller blood vessels and can cause blood clots, which affect the cardiovascular system and can lead to other complications like stroke or pulmonary embolism.
After a COVID-19 infection, you may be more likely to experience a heart attack or heart failure due to the extra stress on the heart. Fortunately, these complications are rare. Your providers at Upper East Side Cardiology can screen for heart damage from COVID-19 and help you manage the effects.
How can I tell if COVID has caused heart problems?
There are a few key symptoms to remember while questioning whether or not your COVID-19 infection affected your heart. You should contact Upper East Side Cardiology for an appointment if you experience:
- Severe fatigue
- Chest pain
- Heart palpitations
- Lightheadedness or dizziness
- A rapid heart rate
COVID-related heart problems are far from the only possible cause of symptoms like these. They can also come from nutrition imbalances, dehydration, or your body’s state of recovery. Still, you should consult with your provider at Upper East Side Cardiology just in case.
What are treatments for COVID and the heart?
The team at Upper East Side Cardiology has a dedicated cardiovascular protocol for diagnosing and managing heart complications from COVID-19 infections. They monitor you to keep an eye on your cardiovascular health and may provide medications if the heart function and symptoms aren’t improving over time.
To schedule your assessment for COVID and the heart, call Upper East Side Cardiology or book an appointment online today.
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